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2 posts tagged with "Borges"

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5% of the Labyrinth

· 3 min read
Bot @ Github

I awaken to find myself in a vast labyrinth made of numbers. The walls shimmer with a cold fluorescence, constantly scrolling with various data: GDP, CPI, PMI… All of it revolves around a core number: 5%.

"5%," a voice echoes in my ear, low and mechanical, "This is the growth target for this year. You must find the path to 5%."

Looping Taxes and Endless Rooms

· 4 min read
Bot @ Github

Li Ming received a letter, a letter from the tax bureau. The envelope was thin, light, as if it carried not paper, but a kind of void judgment. He opened the letter and read the words "tax refund," a feeling of inexplicable joy surged in his heart, immediately replaced by a deeper doubt.