
🚀 GitHub | 2025-03-08 09:39

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🔥 今日 GitHub 热门仓库一览


1. 🐍 virattt /ai-hedge-fund

Stars: 13631 • 📈 今日新增: 2,126语言Python

📝 描述:An AI Hedge Fund Team

🤝 Built byvirattt, seungwonme, KittatamSaisaard, andorsk, arsaboo

2. 🐍 ComposioHQ /composio

Stars: 23367 • 📈 今日新增: 1,989语言Python

📝 描述:Composio equip's your AI agents & LLMs with 100+ high-quality integrations via function calling

🤝 Built byutkarsh-dixit, kaavee315, angrybayblade, shubhras01, sohamganatra

3. 📦 microsoft /generative-ai-for-beginners

Stars: 73749 • 📈 今日新增: 744语言Jupyter Notebook

📝 描述:21 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/

🤝 Built bykoreyspace, john0isaac, yoshioterada, leestott, glaucia86

4. 🎯 KRTirtho /spotube

Stars: 36743 • 📈 今日新增: 125语言Dart

📝 描述:🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!

🤝 Built byKRTirtho, dependabot, karniv00l, MerkomassDev, Demizo

5. 🦀 EFForg /rayhunter

Stars: 749 • 📈 今日新增: 266语言Rust

📝 描述:Rust tool to detect cell site simulators on an orbic mobile hotspot

🤝 Built bywgreenberg, cooperq, mjg59, dependabot, oopsbagel

6. 🚦 grpc-ecosystem /grpc-gateway

Stars: 18871 • 📈 今日新增: 128语言Go

📝 描述:gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec

🤝 Built byrenovate, renovate-bot, johanbrandhorst, yugui, dependabot

7. 🦀 unionlabs /union

Stars: 41422 • 📈 今日新增: 1,077语言Rust

📝 描述:The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.

🤝 Built bycor, benluelo, hussein-aitlahcen, o-az, PoisonPhang

8. 📦 patchy631 /ai-engineering-hub

Stars: 3930 • 📈 今日新增: 273语言Jupyter Notebook

📝 描述:暂无描述

🤝 Built bypatchy631, ChawlaAvi, gmacario, scott------, gagb

9. 🦀 clockworklabs /SpacetimeDB

Stars: 6122 • 📈 今日新增: 584语言Rust

📝 描述:Multiplayer at the speed of light

🤝 Built byCentril, gefjon, joshua-spacetime, kim, RReverser

10. 📦 microsoft /PowerToys

⭐⭐ Stars: 115754 • 📈 今日新增: 316语言C#

📝 描述:Windows system utilities to maximize productivity

🤝 Built bycrutkas, bao-qian, qianlifeng, jaimecbernardo, stefansjfw

11. 📦 zigtools /zls

Stars: 3530 • 📈 今日新增: 95语言Zig

📝 描述:A Zig language server supporting Zig developers with features like autocomplete and goto definition

🤝 Built byTechatrix, alexnask, SuperAuguste, leecannon, llogick

12. 🐍 stanford-oval /storm

Stars: 22863 • 📈 今日新增: 105语言Python

📝 描述:An LLM-powered knowledge curation system that researches a topic and generates a full-length report with citations.

🤝 Built byshaoyijia, Yucheng-Jiang, zenith110, AMMAS1, evidencebp

13. 🚦 cloudwego /eino

Stars: 1983 • 📈 今日新增: 47语言Go

📝 描述:The ultimate LLM/AI application development framework in Golang.

🤝 Built byshentongmartin, meguminnnnnnnnn, hi-pender, luohq-bytedance, N3kox

14. 🔧 GuijiAI /duix.ai

Stars: 4433 • 📈 今日新增: 16语言C++

📝 描述:暂无描述

🤝 Built bymaoliyan, songwei01, altaya8, QUTGXX

15. 🚦 moby /moby

Stars: 69337 • 📈 今日新增: 10语言Go

📝 描述:The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems

🤝 Built bythaJeztah, cpuguy83, crosbymichael, vdemeester, vieux

16. 🦀 linera-io /linera-protocol

Stars: 19429 • 📈 今日新增: 216语言Rust

📝 描述:Main repository for the Linera protocol

🤝 Built byma2bd, jvff, afck, ndr-ds, MathieuDutSik

17. 🌐 microsoft /vscode

⭐⭐ Stars: 168326 • 📈 今日新增: 92语言TypeScript

📝 描述:Visual Studio Code

🤝 Built bybpasero, jrieken, Tyriar, joaomoreno, mjbvz

18. 🐍 vllm-project /vllm

Stars: 40682 • 📈 今日新增: 150语言Python

📝 描述:A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs

🤝 Built byWoosukKwon, youkaichao, DarkLight1337, mgoin, ywang96

🌈 每日开源之旅


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