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πŸš€ GitHub | 2025-03-07 10:09

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πŸ”₯ Today's GitHub Hot Repositories​

Here are today's most popular open-source projects, each worth your attention! πŸ’‘

1. 🐍 virattt /ai-hedge-fund​

⭐ Stars: 12105 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 975 β€’ Language:Python

πŸ“ Description:An AI Hedge Fund Team

🀝 Built by:virattt, seungwonme, KittatamSaisaard, andorsk, arsaboo

2. 🚦 hashicorp /terraform​

⭐ Stars: 44610 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 123 β€’ Language:Go

πŸ“ Description:Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.

🀝 Built by:jbardin, mitchellh, apparentlymart, stack72, catsby

3. πŸ¦€ unionlabs /union​

⭐ Stars: 40590 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 2,040 β€’ Language:Rust

πŸ“ Description:The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.

🀝 Built by:cor, benluelo, hussein-aitlahcen, o-az, PoisonPhang

4. 🚦 grpc-ecosystem /grpc-gateway​

⭐ Stars: 18783 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 120 β€’ Language:Go

πŸ“ Description:gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec

🀝 Built by:renovate, renovate-bot, johanbrandhorst, yugui, dependabot

5. πŸ“¦ microsoft /generative-ai-for-beginners​

⭐ Stars: 73105 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 382 β€’ Language:Jupyter Notebook

πŸ“ Description:21 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI πŸ”—

🀝 Built by:koreyspace, john0isaac, yoshioterada, leestott, glaucia86

6. 🌐 sadmann7 /shadcn-table​

⭐ Stars: 4042 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 80 β€’ Language:TypeScript

πŸ“ Description:Shadcn table with server-side sorting, filtering, and pagination.

🀝 Built by:renovate, sadmann7, kavinvalli, dBianchii, yuvarajmadineni

7. πŸ¦€ clockworklabs /SpacetimeDB​

⭐ Stars: 5675 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 498 β€’ Language:Rust

πŸ“ Description:Multiplayer at the speed of light

🀝 Built by:Centril, gefjon, joshua-spacetime, kim, RReverser

8. ✨ gorhill /uBlock​

⭐ Stars: 50957 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 362 β€’ Language:JavaScript

πŸ“ Description:uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.

🀝 Built by:gorhill, Deathamns, chrisaljoudi, mjethani, AlexVallat

9. πŸ“¦ microsoft /PowerToys​

⭐⭐ Stars: 115554 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 92 β€’ Language:C#

πŸ“ Description:Windows system utilities to maximize productivity

🀝 Built by:crutkas, bao-qian, qianlifeng, jaimecbernardo, stefansjfw

10. πŸ“¦ zigtools /zls​

⭐ Stars: 3468 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 23 β€’ Language:Zig

πŸ“ Description:A Zig language server supporting Zig developers with features like autocomplete and goto definition

🀝 Built by:Techatrix, alexnask, SuperAuguste, leecannon, llogick

11. 🐍 Plachtaa /seed-vc​

⭐ Stars: 1389 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 52 β€’ Language:Python

πŸ“ Description:zero-shot voice conversion & singing voice conversion, with real-time support

🀝 Built by:Plachtaa, justinjohn0306, yyahav, v3ucn, ppmzhang2

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