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πŸš€ GitHub | 2025-01-25 20:50

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πŸ”₯ Today's GitHub Hot Repositories​

Here are today's most popular open-source projects, each worth your attention! πŸ’‘

1. ❓ deepseek-ai /awesome-deepseek-integration​

⭐ Stars: 2394 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 250 β€’ Language:Unknown

πŸ“ Description:No description available

🀝 Built by:Bin788, DillionApple, mowentian, yh-xu, XieJiSS

2. πŸ“¦ CorentinTh /it-tools​

⭐ Stars: 25300 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 324 β€’ Language:Vue

πŸ“ Description:Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX.

🀝 Built by:CorentinTh, renovate, cgoIT, sharevb, marvin-j97

3. 🌐 AmruthPillai /Reactive-Resume​

⭐ Stars: 28315 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 377 β€’ Language:TypeScript

πŸ“ Description:A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!

🀝 Built by:AmruthPillai, gianantoniopini, dependabot, crowdin-bot, abizek

4. 🌐 browserbase /stagehand​

⭐ Stars: 6390 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 664 β€’ Language:TypeScript

πŸ“ Description:An AI web browsing framework focused on simplicity and extensibility.

🀝 Built by:kamath, jeremypress, pkiv, seanmcguire12, navidkpr

5. πŸ“¦ lightpanda-io /browser​

⭐ Stars: 2969 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 1,083 β€’ Language:Zig

πŸ“ Description:Lightpanda: the headless browser designed for AI and automation

🀝 Built by:krichprollsch, francisbouvier, katie-lpd, utay, lcoffe-botify

6. πŸ“¦ php /php-src​

⭐ Stars: 38556 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 16 β€’ Language:C

πŸ“ Description:The PHP Interpreter

🀝 Built by:dstogov, nikic, weltling, cmb69, laruence

7. 🌐 nextjs /saas-starter​

⭐ Stars: 9236 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 488 β€’ Language:TypeScript

πŸ“ Description:Get started quickly with Next.js, Postgres, Stripe, and shadcn/ui.

🀝 Built by:leerob, Prathamesh-chougale-17, slavingia, dikaio, notrab

8. πŸ“¦ DataExpert-io /data-engineer-handbook​

⭐ Stars: 25555 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 220 β€’ Language:Jupyter Notebook

πŸ“ Description:This is a repo with links to everything you'd ever want to learn about data engineering

🀝 Built by:EcZachly, ry-v1, isangwanrahul, Jade-Codes, FreshOats

9. 🚦 yassinebenaid /bunster​

⭐ Stars: 904 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 221 β€’ Language:Go

πŸ“ Description:Compile shell scripts to static binaries.

🀝 Built by:yassinebenaid, micl2e2, simonw, tangowithfoxtrot, pohart

10. πŸ”§ shadps4-emu /shadPS4​

⭐ Stars: 16359 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 311 β€’ Language:C++

πŸ“ Description:PlayStation 4 emulator for Windows, Linux and macOS written in C++

🀝 Built by:georgemoralis, psucien, squidbus, raphaelthegreat, DanielSvoboda

11. 🌐 storybookjs /storybook​

⭐ Stars: 85401 β€’ πŸ“ˆ Today's Stars: 186 β€’ Language:TypeScript

πŸ“ Description:Storybook is the industry standard workshop for building, documenting, and testing UI components in isolation

🀝 Built by:shilman, ndelangen, Hypnosphi, tmeasday, yannbf

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